Workshop Description
A conference celebrating 30 years of the Arizona Center for Mathematical Sciences (ACMS) including mathematicians and scientists from many disciplines. A distinguished list of invited speakers will give talks on topics where ACMS has had a strong impact: new mathematical models and novel computational methods in optics, turbulence and wave propagation in random and nonlinear media, and help set the path for the next 30 years of ACMS. The conference will also take the opportunity to honor the career of Prof. Jerry Moloney on the occasion of his 70th birthday.

Environment and Natural Resources 2 Building, University of Arizona Campus, 1064 East Lowell Street, Room S107, Tucson, AZ 85721


Mark Ablowitz, University of Colorado, USA
Alejandro Aceves, Southern Methodist University, USA
Luc Bergé, CEA Paris, France
Alan Bishop, Center for Nonlinear Studies, New Mexico, USA
Colm Connaughton, University of Warwick, England
Daniele Faccio, University of Glasgow, Scotland
Willie Firth, University of Strathclyde, Scotland
Per Jakobsen, University of Tromso, Norway
Christopher Jones, University of North Carolina, USA
Stephan Koch, Philipps University, Marburg, Germany
Natalia Komarova, University of CA, Irvine, USA
C. David Levermore, University of Maryland, USA
Yuri Lvov, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, NY, USA
Arash Mafi, University of New Mexico, USA
David McLaughlin, New York University, USA
Arje Nachman, Air Force, USA
Sergey Nazarenko, University of Warwick, England
Charles Newman, New York University, USA
William P. Roach, Vanderbilt, USA
Benno Rumpf, Southern Methodist University, USA
Andreas Schmitt-Sody, AFRL, NM, USA
Jack Xin, University of CA, Irvine, USA

A room block for conference attendees has been established at the Tucson Marriott University Park Hotel.
To make your reservation please click on the following link:

To register please click on the following link:

Conference Coordinators:
Aubrey Mouradian
Tel: (520) 621 2713
Lacey Singh
Tel: (520) 621 8129
